Forms & fact sheets
Everything you need to know, plus all the things you need to fill in.
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Submit your form faster online @headerType>
Use our online forms for faster, more secure transactions including contributing, withdrawing and claiming a tax deduction.
Log into your accountMost popular
Letter of Compliance (Ask an employer to pay super into your AustralianSuper account) PDF, 97KB
DOWNLOADPay my super into AustralianSuper PDF, 126KB
DownloadSplit your super contributions with your spouse PDF, 157KB
DownloadTax and super PDF, 1.0MB
DownloadInvestment Choice PDF, 143KB
Important information about our products (18)@headerType>
Product Disclosure Statements
AustralianSuper Plan Product Disclosure Statement - pdf, 2 MB
Our largest division is open to full-time, part-time and casual employees of any industry.
AustralianSuper Select Product Disclosure Statement - pdf, 2 MB
For people working for employers who provide tailored insurance arrangements as part of their employment benefits.
GHD Superannuation Plan Product Disclosure Statement - pdf, 2 MB
For GHD employees.
Personal Plan Product Disclosure Statement - pdf, 3 MB
For people self-employed as sole traders or as a partner in a partnership, or who are not currently in paid employment.
Super Options Product Disclosure Statement - pdf, 2 MB
Open to people working for an eligible Super Options employer who offers employees a super product without default Income Protection.
Incorporation by reference (IBRs)
Fees and costs - pdf, 911 KB
Investment guide - pdf, 8 MB
Insurance in your super guide - pdf, 3 MB
This guide is for members in AustralianSuper plan, GHD Superannuation Plan, Personal Plan and Super Options.
Insurance in your super guide for AustralianSuper Select - pdf, 3 MB
This guide is for members working for an eligible AustralianSuper Select employer who offers tailored insurance arrangements.
Providing your Tax File Number - pdf, 412 KB
Tax and super - pdf, 1 MB
Financial Services Guide - pdf, 87 KB
Member Direct investment option guide - pdf, 5 MB
Target Market Determinations
AustralianSuper Plan - pdf, 1 MB
This TMD describes the target market for the AustralianSuper Plan, an employer-sponsored accumulation product open to full-time, part-time, and casual employees of any industry.
AustralianSuper Select - pdf, 930 KB
This TMD describes the target market for AustralianSuper Select, an employer-sponsored accumulation product open to people working for an eligible AustralianSuper Select employer who offers employees a super product with tailored insurance arrangements.
GHD Superannuation Plan - pdf, 1 MB
This TMD describes the target market for the GHD Superannuation Plan, an employer-sponsored accumulation product open to GHD employees.
Personal Plan - pdf, 1 MB
This TMD describes the target market for the Personal Plan, a product open to people who are self-employed, sole traders, a partner in a partnership, or who are not currently in paid employment.
Super Options - pdf, 1 MB
This TMD describes the target market for Super Options, an employer-sponsored accumulation product open to people working for an eligible Super Options employer who offers employees a super product without default Income Protection cover.
Access my super (7)@headerType>
Apply for a payment (compassionate grounds) - pdf, 215 KB
Apply for a payment (family law) - pdf, 234 KB
Apply for a payment (financial hardship) - pdf, 216 KB
Close your account and make a full withdrawal (balance less than $200) - pdf, 132 KB
Transfer your AustralianSuper account to your KiwiSaver - pdf, 183 KB
Contribute to my super (6)@headerType>
Add to your super through your employer - pdf, 184 KB
Add to your super with after-tax contributions - pdf, 172 KB
Can you add to super? (Work Test & Work Test Exemption declaration) form - pdf, 153 KB
Combine your super into AustralianSuper - pdf, 169 KB
Learn more about super (6)@headerType>
Shaping your future together - pdf, 678 KB
Understanding retrenchment and your next steps - pdf, 2 MB
Women and super - pdf, 2 MB
Your super matters - pdf, 320 KB
Manage my account (11)@headerType>
Application to transfer to another division within AustralianSuper - pdf, 92 KB
Change my details - pdf, 158 KB
Give account access to my financial adviser - pdf, 114 KB
Give access to your Member Direct account - pdf, 124 KB
Give or remove access to your account details - pdf, 124 KB
Keep your AustralianSuper super accounts open - pdf, 109 KB
Making, changing or cancelling a binding death nomination (for super account) - pdf, 193 KB
Merge your AustralianSuper super accounts - pdf, 129 KB
Tax file number (TFN) notification - pdf, 153 KB
Manage my super with my family (3)@headerType>
Manage my tax responsibilities (6)@headerType>
Incorporation by reference (IBRs)
Providing your Tax File Number - pdf, 412 KB
ATO form Notice of re-contribution of COVID-19 early release amounts - pdf, 928 KB
ATO Tax file number declaration - pdf, 341 KB
Claiming a tax deduction for personal contributions - pdf, 169 KB
Tax file number (TFN) notification - pdf, 153 KB
Fact sheets
Tax and super - pdf, 1 MB
Set up my super at a new job (3)@headerType>
ATO Standard choice for employees - pdf, 429 KB
Letter of compliance (Ask an employer to pay super into your AustralianSuper account) - pdf, 97 KB
Pay my super to AustralianSuper form - pdf, 126 KB
Understanding family law (3)@headerType>
Submit your form faster online @headerType>
Use our online forms for faster, more secure transactions including contributing, withdrawing and claiming a tax deduction.
Log into your account-
Fact sheets (2)@headerType>
Forms (11)@headerType>
Making, changing or cancelling a binding death benefit nomination - pdf, 218KB
Making, changing or cancelling a reversionary beneficiary nomination (pension members) - pdf, 162KB
Change my details (retirement) form - PDF, 207KB
Combine your super into AustralianSuper (retirement account) - pdf, 154KB
Give account access to my financial adviser - pdf, 114KB
Investment choice form (Retirement income account) - pdf, 161KB
Request a full withdrawal of your account - pdf, 275KB
Request a partial withdrawal of your account - pdf, 267KB
Withholding declaration (ATO form) - pdf, 373KB
Tell us if you've retired or changed jobs after turning 60 - pdf, 141KB
Seamless Transfer your Member Direct account - pdf, 310KB
Guides (2)@headerType>
Product Disclosure Statements (2)@headerType>
Choice Income Product Disclosure Statement - pdf, 5.2MB
For people retiring and needing to draw an income from their savings in a tax-effective environment
TTR Income Product Disclosure Statement - pdf, 5.3MB
For all the finer details about TTR Income account and things you need to know.
Target Market Determinations (2)@headerType>
Choice Income - pdf, 911KB
This TMD describes the target market for the AustralianSuper Choice Income product, an account-based pension open to people seeking to turn their super into a regular income in retirement.
TTR Income - pdf, 520KB
This TMD describes the target market for TTR Income, a ‘transition to retirement’ pension product open to people wanting to reduce their work hours or grow their super savings, while still receiving a regular income.
Most popular
Letter of Compliance (Ask an employer to pay super into your AustralianSuper account) PDF, 97KB
DOWNLOADPay my super into AustralianSuper PDF, 126KB
DownloadATO Superannuation (super) Standard choice form PDF, 429KB
DownloadEmployer refund of contributions form PDF, 68KB
DownloadNo super payment required online form
Submit now-
Forms (3)@headerType>
Guides (5)@headerType>
Guides (2)@headerType>
Insurance in your super guide - pdf, 2.6MB
This guide is for members in AustralianSuper plan, GHD Superannuation Plan, Personal Plan and Super Options.
Insurance in your super guide for AustralianSuper Select - pdf, 2.8MB
This guide is for members working for an eligible AustralianSuper Select employer who offers tailored insurance arrangements.
Forms (9)@headerType>
Log into your account or use the forms below to change and apply for more insurance. If you’re a member of AustralianSuper Select you’ll find information related to your insurance here.
Keep your cover (inactive account) - pdf, 73KB
Change your insurance - pdf, 439KB
Cancel your insurance - pdf, 92KB
Insurance transfer - pdf, 266KB
Application for Life Event insurance cover - pdf, 230KB
Change your individual work rating - pdf, 89KB
Increase your Income Protection after a salary increase - pdf, 331KB
Application to transfer to another division within AustralianSuper - pdf, 92KB
Providing proof of your de facto relationship - pdf, 110KB
Fact sheets (8)@headerType>
Applying for a Total & Permanent Disablement payment - pdf, 113KB
Applying for a Terminal Illness payment - pdf, 112KB
Applying for Income Protection payments - pdf, 117KB
Applying for a payment after a member dies - pdf, 127KB
Submit your form faster online @headerType>
Use our online forms for faster, more secure transactions including contributing, withdrawing and claiming a tax deduction.
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Fact sheets (4)@headerType>
Forms (2)@headerType>
Guides (5)@headerType>