dashboard provides information on the AustralianSuper MySuper Balanced investment option. You can use this to compare our MySuper product with other MySuper products.
The return, return target and statement of fees and other costs data
in this dashboard have been calculated for a member with an account balance of
Ten year average annual return of 7.89% as at 30 June 2024.
Return target
Return target for 2025 to 2034, is to outperform an average annual return of CPI + 3.8% after taxes, fees and costs. Future returns aren’t guaranteed, so this is only a prediction.
Level of investment risk
High (Standard Risk Measure Band 6). Expectation of a negative return approximately five out of every 20 years.
The risk level of an investment option can change based on the investment timeframe. See 'Explanation of terms' below for more information on investment risk.
Statement of fees and other costs
$387 per year.

Investment returns aren’t guaranteed. Past performance isn’t a reliable indicator of future returns.
Explanation of terms @headerType>
CPI stands for Consumer Price Index, which is used as a measure of inflation.
Investment risk
The main risk when investing your super is that your savings will fall short of your income needs in retirement. The appropriate level of risk will depend on when you need to access your super savings.
If savings are required in 5 years or less
Short term risk is the risk that your super savings will be reduced by volatility of investment markets. This is the same as the Standard Risk Measure. High Medium term
If savings are required after 5 to 20 years
Medium term risk balances two risks. The first is that your super savings will be reduced by volatility. The second is that your super savings will not keep up with wage inflation. Medium Long term
If savings are required after 20 years or more
Long term is the risk that your super savings will not keep up with wage inflation.
Low Standard Risk Measure
The Standard Risk Measure is used across super funds to help members compare the risk levels of investment options. It is the short-term risk that your super savings will be reduced by volatility (or the ups and downs) of investment markets and the estimated number of negative returns that may be experienced in 20 years. Actuarial calculations are done to come up with an estimate for each investment option.Return
The net return is the average annual return over ten years to 30 June 2024 for the investment option after taxes, fees and costs1.Return target
The return target is an estimate of the expected return above inflation over a ten year period for the investment option after taxes, fees and costs1.One year return
The financial year return for each of the last ten years for the investment option after taxes, fees and costs1.Ten year average return
Is the ten year average annual return at 30 June for the last ten financial years for the investment option after taxes, fees and costs1.
Ten year moving average return target
Is the ten year average return target for the investment option after taxes, fees and costs1.
1 Fees and costs comprise Administration fees and costs (based on a member with an account balance of $50,000), Investment fees and costs, and Transaction costs. -
Statement of fees and costs @headerType>
The statement of fees and costs includes the following fees and costs for the AustralianSuper MySuper Balanced investment option based on a member with an account balance of $50,000 throughout the year:
Administration fees and costs
Administration fees are paid into the Fund’s administration reserve and the Fund pays its administration costs from that reserve. They comprise three components:
- Flat administration fee of $1 per week ($52 each year) deducted monthly from your account.
- Asset-based administration fee of 0.10% pa ($50 each year on a balance of $50,000) capped at $350 p.a. deducted monthly from your account.
- Administration costs paid from reserves that are not otherwise charged as Administration fees of 0.00% p.a. on the previous financial year. They are variable and are likely to change from year to year.
Investment fees and costs
0.52% p.a. ($260 each year on a balance of $50,000) deducted from pre-tax investment returns.
Investment fees and costs are charged to cover our costs of managing your investments and include external investment management fees and performance fees.
They are calculated based on previous financial year(s) and are variable and are likely to change from year to year.
Transaction costs
0.05% p.a. ($25 each year on a balance of $50,000) deducted from pre-tax investment returns.
Transaction costs comprise a broad category of costs we incur that relate to buying or selling underlying investments.
They are calculated based on the previous financial year and are variable and are likely to change from year to year.
For more information about the fees and costs shown above and other fees and costs that may apply, visit
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