Accessing super for your retirement

Understand when you can access your super for retirement and your options to withdraw and use your savings.

When you can access your super for retirement

You can access your super when you reach 60 years of age and retire. The meaning of ‘retire’ depends on your age and how and when you finished work:

  • If you’re 60-64:
    • You stopped working permanently, or
    • You stopped working for any employer after you turned 60

  • If you’re 65 or older: you can access all your super, even if you’re still working.

Four ways to access your savings

When you’re eligible to access your super, you could withdraw or transfer your money, explore income stream accounts or a common option is a combination of both.

Open an account-based pension

Turn your super savings into tax-free income in your retirement years by opening a Choice Income account with a minimum of $50,000. Learn about the benefits of Choice Income or open an account online today.

Transfer money to another fund

You can transfer some or all your super to another super fund or self-managed super fund (SMSF). The fastest way for you to apply is by logging into your account online and going to Transactions. Once your application is approved, within three business days your super will be transferred to your other fund(s).

Explore transition to retirement (TTR)

If you’re 60 years or over and still working, you may be able to access a regular income by opening a TTR Income account1. Understand how TTR Income works or open an account online today.

Make a partial or full withdrawal

You can withdraw some or all your super savings to your nominated bank account. The fastest way for you to apply is by logging into your account online and going to Transactions.

Tax on super withdrawals

When you’re 60 years and over, lump sum withdrawals and income payments are tax-free. If you’re under 60 years of age and accessing your super, tax treatments are different. Learn more about tax at or the ATO website.

Financial advice for your retirement

Withdrawing from your super account may have an impact if you want to keep any insurance cover, the amount of tax you pay and ultimately your lifestyle you desire for your retirement. Getting the right financial advice can give you peace of mind you’re making the best decisions for your retirement years2.

  1. Transition to Retirement (TTR) can be complex and isn’t suited to everyone. It’s a good idea to get financial advice before deciding if a TTR Income account is right for you.
  2. Personal financial product advice is provided under the Australian Financial Services Licence held by a third party and not by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd. Some personal advice may attract a fee, which would be outlined before any work is completed and is subject to your agreement. With your approval, the fee for advice relating to your AustralianSuper account may be deducted from your AustralianSuper account subject to eligibility criteria.
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