Our ESG and Stewardship program
We believe companies with good Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) management provide better long-term returns.
AustralianSuper considers a range of ESG issues but prioritises those which we believe are likely to have the greatest financial impact on members’ investment returns. This can include risks, which can have a negative impact, and opportunities, which can have a positive impact.
Issues we may prioritise include:
Environmental | Social | Governance |
Our approach is more developed on some issues than others and may vary depending on the asset. For more information on these issues, please see the Responsible Investment section of our Annual Report.
The application of our ESG and Stewardship program varies by asset class and characteristics of our investment, including whether we’re investing directly or through external managers, or whether our investment is actively or passively held.
Our ESG and Stewardship program has three pillars:
1. ESG integration @headerType>
ESG integration refers to the way we integrate ESG considerations when deciding which assets and companies to invest in and assessing their investment value. Our ESG integration approach varies by asset class and the characteristics of our investment, including whether we’re investing directly or through external managers.
2. Stewardship (6)@headerType>
As an active investor we exercise the rights and responsibilities of being a large shareholder. Our objective is to effectively communicate our investment interests to companies in a way that is consistent with maximising long-term value for members.
AustralianSuper predominately seeks to influence listed companies through our engagement, voting activities and select involvement in class actions.
Company engagement
We meet with the chairs and board members of ASX-listed companies (individually or via investor networks) on ESG issues that we believe can impact long-term value.
Engagement provides us with an opportunity to encourage management of ESG issues that we believe can impact members' investment returns.
Our engagement process encompasses three key perspectives:
- Relationship building: helping companies understand the importance of ESG factors on an ongoing basis.
- Themes-based engagement: focusing on ESG themes that our ESG program has identified as a priority.
- Company specific issues engagement: seeking resolution of specific ESG concerns or engaging on a particular voting matter.
AustralianSuper’s engagement program includes:
- Engaging with Australian listed companies directly and via the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI).
- Engaging with international listed companies primarily via an external engagement provider.
- Working with other investors through investor networks, such as Climate Action 100+ and Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking Asia Pacific.
We also periodically meet with the boards, management and investment managers of our unlisted assets.
Share voting
Voting on resolutions at general meetings is a key right and responsibility for shareholders. It presents an opportunity for us to communicate our view on how companies are creating long-term investment value for members.
We vote on company and shareholder resolutions for Australian and international listed companies. Every year, we vote on resolutions on issues such as director elections, remuneration plans, climate change and mergers and acquisitions.
You can view our voting records online and learn more about our approach to voting via the Share Voting Approach document below. This document includes our principles on voting on director elections, board accountability, board gender diversity and executive remuneration.
Share voting records
Australian Share Voting – 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024 - pdf, 907KB
International Share Voting – 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024 - pdf, 1.5MB
Australian Share Voting – 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 - pdf, 2.0MB
International Share Voting – 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 - pdf, 53.7MB
Class actions
Class actions are a way that shareholders, as a collective group, can claim for losses against a company where a reasonable case can be made that the loss occurred due to breaches of corporate laws/regulations relating to the company’s conduct or market disclosures.
AustralianSuper uses class actions in members’ best financial interests as a:
- Last resort governance mechanism;
- Cost-effective way to recover member losses caused by a company’s conduct or market disclosures; and
- Mechanism to improve standards of company practice in the market.
If the class action is successful any proceeds, after costs, are apportioned back to the investment options that held the investment.
Factors we consider when deciding if we will participate in Australian class actions as a class member include whether:
- It has been determined that there is a genuine allegation of a breach of law;
- This breach resulted in a financial loss for the Fund;
- There is a reliable and reasonable assessment that the costs associated with the litigation are low (and reasonable); and
- It has been assessed that there are no significant reputational risks to AustralianSuper.
For Member Direct, the Fund is not able to accommodate individual participation in class actions as holdings are indirectly held on members’ behalf by AustralianSuper.
Proceeds after costs, from successful actions are apportioned back to the relevant investment options to offset some of the costs of the option. They do not go back to individual members.
3. Choice @headerType>
We understand that members have diverse values, preferences and attitudes when it comes to investing. To help understand what’s important to members we undertake member surveys. We consider this research in the investment options we offer.
We have a range of investment options for members to choose from, including the Socially Aware option.
Your investment options – find out more
ESG and stewardship policies
ESG and Stewardship policy
Download our policy to find out more about our approach to ESG and stewardship.
ESG and stewardship policy (PDF) ESG and stewardship policy (PDF)
Australian Asset Owner Stewardship Code
AustralianSuper is
a signatory to the Australian Asset Owner Stewardship Code (the Code).
Download our Stewardship Statement to see how we seek long-term value creation through our stewardship activities.
AustralianSuper’s stewardship statement (PDF) AustralianSuper’s stewardship statement (PDF)
Share Voting approach
This document outlines our approach to voting on Australian and international companies.
Industry associations and investor networks
Working with other investors and industry groups helps give us insights and broader influence on ESG issues.
The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors @headerType>
We are a member of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI), which engages with companies and policymakers on ESG issues on behalf of its superannuation fund members. We participate in a range of ACSI working groups and may also consider ACSI’s proxy voting advice.
Principles for Responsible Investment @headerType>
We’ve been a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2007. PRI has developed six global principles to help investors integrate ESG factors into investment practices and provides guidance on key ESG challenges.
Responsible Investment Association Australasia @headerType>
The Responsible Investment Association Australasia’s mission is to promote, advocate for and support approaches to responsible investment that align capital with achieving a healthy society, environment and economy1.
Other initiatives @headerType>
- Climate Action 100+: We are a founding member of Climate Action 100+, an investor engagement initiative on climate change seeking emissions reductions from the world's largest carbon emitters2.
- Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC): a network of Australian and New Zealand institutional investors focused on the impact of climate change on investments.
- Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change (IIGCC): a network of European institutional investors focused on the impact of climate change on investments.
- Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owners Platform (SDI AOP): We jointly established the SDI-AOP, an asset owner-led platform that supports investors in identifying Sustainable Development Investments (SDIs) which the platform categorises based on their level of revenue aligned to the SDGs.
- Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking Asia Pacific (IAST APAC): We are a founding member, Steering Committee member and current co-chair of IAST APAC. The initiative seeks to engage with companies to promote effective action in finding, fixing and preventing modern slavery in their operations and supply chains.
- International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN): We are a member of ICGN and endorse its Global Stewardship Principles, which set out ICGN’s view of current best practices in investor stewardship obligations, policies and processes.
Reporting our progress
We participate in industry reporting surveys on our ESG and Stewardship program.
Responsible Super Fund Leader 2023
AustralianSuper has been named as a Responsible Super Fund Leader* in RIAA’s 2023 Responsible Investment Super Study. Leaders were recognised for their commitment to transparency, good governance and accountability, and implementation of responsible investment approaches through activities such as engagement, voting and ESG integration.
*Responsible Super Fund Leaders refers to super funds that have achieved a score of 70% or more on RIAA’s Framework of Good Responsible Investment Governance. For more information visit https://responsibleinvestment.org/resources/super-study. Awards are only one factor to be taken into account when choosing a super fund.
PRI 2023 Assessment
AustralianSuper’s full PRI results are available in our PRI Assessment and Transparency Reports below:
- Responsible Investment Association Australasia, https://responsibleinvestment.org/about-us/
- Climate Action 100+, https://www.climateaction100.org/