Policy and advocacy

We advocate for an equitable and sustainable superannuation system.
We advocate for an equitable and sustainable superannuation system.

AustralianSuper seeks to advocate for sustainable and equitable public policy in superannuation and financial services. To this end, we engage in advocacy, liaison and write public submissions to government and regulators, such as APRA, ASIC and the ATO. We also work with industry associations, such as the Super Members Council of Australia and the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, and many other peak bodies and groups.

Policy submissions

AustralianSuper’s advocacy is guided by the following principles:

  • Super should be super for everyone – Not all Australians enjoy a dignified retirement. Our advocacy seeks to ensure genuine universality and fairness in the superannuation system. Our priorities include improving retirement outcomes for people on low incomes including women, First Nations Australians and younger workers and fair treatment for those in vulnerable or non-traditional forms of work.
  • Good investment and good ownership – We are committed to being a good asset owner and a good investor which enables AustralianSuper to have a positive impact on the economy. AustralianSuper will continue to advocate for investment structures that help to provide good returns for members and good outcomes for society.
  • Long term performance – Superannuation is a long-term savings vehicle, and this must be recognised in policy and regulation. We advocate for a superannuation system that delivers income for a dignified retirement to as many Australians as possible.
  • Retirement – As more individuals move into retirement it is crucial that the system facilitate this transition. People should have access to affordable, quality financial advice and products that provide maximum benefits which allow them to move confidently and smoothly into retirement.

For more information contact Matthew Wiseman mwiseman@australiansuper.com or Richard Murphy rmurphy@australiansuper.com.

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