First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme

If eligible, you may be able to withdraw some of your personal super contributions to put towards your first home deposit.

Save for your first home through super

Saving for your first home deposit is one of the biggest financial milestones in life – but for many people, it can feel daunting.

In July 2017, the government introduced has introduced the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme.

The FHSS scheme helps you save for your first home by making extra contributions to your superannuation. Here’s how it works:

  • Make extra contributions: add extra money to your super account through voluntary contributions1
  • Withdraw those savings: you can withdraw eligible contributions up to $50,0002 later, along with an amount of deemed (estimated) earnings associated with these contributions3. If you're purchasing as part of a couple, each person can apply to access each of their eligible contributions under the scheme, so together potentially up to $100,000
  • Tax and financial benefits: you could also benefit from tax savings when making pre-tax contributions4. Learn more about salary sacrificing.

Do I qualify for the First Home Super Saver scheme

To be eligible for the First Home Super Saver scheme (FHSS scheme), you must meet the following government conditions:

  • Must be aged 18 years or older,
  • Have never owned any property in Australia5,
  • Intend to live in the property as soon as practical for at least 6 months (of the 12 months you own it),
  • Plan to live in the property for at least 6 months within the first year of ownership,
  • Have not previously made a successful FHSS scheme release request,
  • Your name must be on the title of the property you buy, and,
  • Plan to purchase a residential property – this excludes motor homes, house boats, and vacant land unless your contract is for the construction of a home on vacant land (you’ll need to enter this contract within 12 months of having your FHSS scheme funds released).

If you have lost ownership due to financial hardship, you might still qualify for the Superannuation First Home Saver Scheme. This includes circumstances such as:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Separation from a partner
  • Job loss
  • Illness
  • Natural disaster
Check your eligibility

How much can I contribute

You can make voluntary contributions to your super fund and later apply for them to be released within certain limits. Here’s what you need to know:

Voluntary contributions only

These must be voluntary contributions. Compulsory super contributions from your employer cannot be used.

Before-tax contributions

This includes salary sacrifice4 and any personal contributions you claim a tax deduction for6. The contribution cap is $30,000 for this financial year, including Super Guarantee payments from your employer. Learn more about salary sacrificing.

After-tax contributions

Use your take-home pay (for which you don’t claim a tax deduction) to contribute directly to your super. The contribution cap is $120,000 for this financial year. Learn more about after-tax contributions1.


Exceeding these limits may result in extra tax.

How much can I withdraw

There are some limitations on how much you can have released from your super under the FHSS scheme and the voluntary contributions you have made. Maximum release amount is up to $15,000 per financial year and a total of $50,0002.

How will I be taxed

When you withdraw funds from the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme, the amount will be included in your assessable income for the financial year you requested the release, not the year you receive the money. This means you'll pay tax on the withdrawal as part of your annual tax return, along with any applicable tax offsets.

Additionally, you'll receive deemed earnings on your contributions, which may be lower than the actual earnings.

Keep in mind that investment earnings on your super are taxed at 15%. This may be lower than the tax rate applied to investment earnings outside of super.

The ATO will withhold tax based on your usual tax rate minus a 30% tax offset, or a flat rate of 17% if your usual rate can’t be determined. If you receive any benefits from Centrelink, it’s worth checking with them around any implications of FHSS withdrawals.

Boosting Kate’s super

By saving $200 a week in super rather than a bank, Kate saves $1,600 more towards her deposit in the first year. Taking her $1,874 tax savings into account, her overall savings through the FHSS scheme is $10,874 in the first year.

By saving $200 a week in super rather than a bank, Kate saves $1,600 more towards her deposit in the first year. Taking her $1,874 tax savings into account, her overall savings through the FHSS scheme is $10,874 in the first year.

For further information about salary sacrificing and the FHSS scheme, download the Women and Super brochure.

How can I access my FHSS amount

These are the steps you need to follow before ownership of any property occurs.

Step 1: Request a determination

To request a determination on how much you are eligible withdraw under the FHSS scheme, you can log into your ATO online services account through myGov.

Select Super, then Manage, and then First home saver.

Step 2: Request the release of your super savings

An FHSS determination must be received before you can request a release. The ATO require the following information:

  • Your FHSS determination outcome
  • The amount you wish to be released
  • The super fund or funds that you wish the amount to be released from
  • The bank account you wish the funds to be released amount to

Step 3: Signing a contract for a home and notifying the ATO

For determinations made on or after 15 September 2024, you’ll need to sign a contract to purchase or construct a home and must notify the ATO within 12 months of requesting a release. If you don’t purchase a property within 12 months, you’ll need to notify the ATO to either:

  • Apply for an extension for an additional 12 months,
  • Keep the funds, subject to FHSS tax or,
  • Recontribute the assessable FHSS scheme amount into super, less any withheld tax.

Determinations on or before 14 September 2024 can’t be cancelled or amended via ATO online services. If eligible, you’ll need to request a new determination.

Step 4: Receiving your FHSS amount

After your release request is approved by the ATO, they'll issue a release authority to your super fund(s) requesting your FHSS release amount be sent to the ATO. This amount will have the appropriate amount of tax withheld, and the remaining amount may be offset against any outstanding debts with government agencies.

It’ll form part of your assessable income in your tax return for the relevant financial year you requested the money to be released.

In most cases, it can take between 15-20 business days for your super fund to release your money to the ATO, and for the ATO to pay it to you.

Things to keep in mind

When deciding if the FHSS scheme is right for you, there are some things you need to consider.

Financial Advice options

Consider speaking to a financial adviser7 or visit your advice options page to better understand what may be right for you.

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