How to join

It’s easy to join AustralianSuper, open a Choice Income account or a Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income account.

What type of account can we help you join today?

If you’re joining the workforce, changing jobs or switching from another fund, you’ll want to open a superannuation account. If you’re getting ready to retire, a Choice Income account can help make the most of your super after you stop working. And if you’re looking to make a transition from work to retirement, a TTR Income account might be right for you.

How to open a super account

It’s easy to become one of our over 3.5 million members1. Join Australia's largest fund today2.

Follow the steps below so we can help you get ready with the things you need to complete the online join form.

And once you’re done, don’t forget to tell your employer where to pay your super and if you have more than one super fund, consider transferring your super to your new account.


Before you join, be sure to read the PDS and make sure the product is right for you.

1. Start the join form

1. Start the join form

You can join online and save your progress as you go. If you need to take a break you can resume the process later.

Open a super account

2. Personal details

2. Personal details

Have your personal details at the ready such as your email address. Plus, we recommend providing your Tax File Number (TFN) and your employer's ABN - if you’re working. Providing your TFN when joining is optional, however choosing not to means you may be taxed more.

3. Investments

3. Investments

Choose how you’d like your super invested. We offer a range of conservative and aggressive investment options to suit your situation. If you don’t make a choice, your account will be invested in the Balanced option. For a snapshot of the Balanced option’s performance, head to the Our Performance page or our Investment options page.

4. Insurance

4. Insurance

Insurance cover is available through your super account. If you’re eligible, we’ll provide you a basic level of cover when you join. And you can request to change your insurance cover through the AustralianSuper mobile app.

5. Beneficiaries

5. Beneficiaries

One last thing to consider is nominating a beneficiary. That’s who you’d like to receive your account balance when you die. If you’re not sure who that is or would like more time to research the options available, it’s ok to skip this step for now and nominate someone later.

Once you’ve joined, download the ATO’s Standard choice form, fill it out and give it to your employer.

What to do next

1. Set up your online account

1. Set up your online account

Once you’ve opened a super account, we'll send you your member details so you can register for an online account. If you've already got your details, follow the link below to get started.


2. Tell your employer

2. Tell your employer

Let your current or new employer know you’ve chosen us so they can start paying into your AustralianSuper account. You can provide them a copy of the Pay my super into AustralianSuper form or use the AustralianSuper mobile app. You can also complete the Superannuation standard choice form available from the ATO or your employer.



3. Download our handy app

3. Download our handy app

Stay on top of your super on the go, view your balance and make changes to your account with the AustralianSuper mobile app. It’s the easiest way to manage your super anywhere, anytime.


4. Get your super in one place

4. Get your super in one place

Consolidating any existing super accounts into your new account with us could mean paying fewer fees. And that means more money stays in your super balance3. If you have decided to transfer your super into your AustralianSuper account, we've got an easy online tool that can help. Have the details of your other super accounts handy for this step.

How to transfer super to AustralianSuper

  1. AustralianSuper has a total of 3.51 million members and $367.1 billion in member assets as at 31 December 2024.

  2. APRA Quarterly superannuation fund level statistics June 2024. Released October 2024.

  3. Before making a decision to combine your super, consider any fees or charges that may apply, and the effect a transfer may have on benefits in your other fund such as insurance cover. We recommend you consider seeking financial advice.
    If you wish to claim a tax deduction for personal super contributions, you must lodge a notice of intent to claim a tax deduction with your other fund before you combine your super.
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