Our super fund performance

At AustralianSuper we’re focused on delivering strong long-term investment performance for members.

Performance returns

View the historical investment performance of our superannuation and account based pension investment options.

When comparing performance, it’s a good idea to consider returns over the long term as markets can fluctuate in the short term.

Please note investment returns aren't guaranteed, and past performance isn't a reliable indicator of future returns. Benchmark information is available below the table.




Select financial year

Please enter valid date range


Total return for {FY} {toDate}

Total return for {FY} {toDate}

Total returns for {FY} to latest date

Total returns from {prevFY} to {currentFY}

Total returns from {startDate} to {endDate}

Investment options to compare

PreMixed investment options

Financial year to date returns

Total return for {FY} {toDate}

Total returns for selected date range

    DIY Mix investment options

    Financial year to date returns

    Total return for {FY} {toDate}

    Total returns for selected date range

      Long-term returns

      Average annual returns over 10, 5, 3, and 1 years to 30 June 2024, plus current financial year to date returns

      Cumulative returns over selected financial year

      Shows the total return from 1 July to the date shown in the graph

      Cumulative daily returns

      Total returns from {prevFY} to {currentFY}
      Total returns for {FY} to latest date
      Total returns from {startDate} to {endDate}


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        No Data

        No data available for this time period. Please select different dates or come back later.

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        Proud winners of the Canstar Outstanding Value Award for Superannuation and Account Based Pension1

        1. AustralianSuper received the Canstar Outstanding Value Award – Superannuation in 2011 - 2024, and Outstanding Value Award – Account Based Pension in 2018-2024. Awards and ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when choosing a super fund.

        2. AustralianSuper has a total of 3.51 million members and $367.1 billion in member assets as at 31 December 2024.

          Strength in numbers

          Join more than 3.5 million members2 striving for better retirement outcomes.

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