Superannuation fees & costs

We’re a super fund with low admin fees

Super funds charge fees to cover the cost of managing your super and investments. As Australia’s largest fund1, we use our size and scale to help obtain low admin fees for members2. Lower fees can mean more of your super stays invested to grow for your future.

1 APRA Quarterly superannuation fund level statistics March 2024. Released June 2024.
2 Source: Zenith CW Pty Ltd (Chant West) (ABN 20 639 121 403). Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Survey compares the weighted average of administration, investment and transaction fees and costs for MySuper products. Fees for average super funds includes Retail (Master Trust), Industry, Corporate and Public Sector type funds in the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey. Fees may change in the future which may affect the outcome of this comparison.

Benefit from our size

As Australia's largest super fund1, our size and scale help us keep fees and costs lower.

Profits for members

AustralianSuper is a profit-for-member fund. This means we don’t pay profits or dividends to shareholders, the profits we make go back to the Fund for the benefit of members.

Strong net benefits

AustralianSuper has been a top performing fund over the long term3. This means more super for members.

3 AustralianSuper Balanced investment option (for super and TTR Income) compared to the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index to
31 December 2024. AustralianSuper Balanced investment option (for Choice Income) compared to the SuperRatings Pension Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SRP50 Balanced (60–76) Index to 31 December 2024. Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

Compare our fees

See how AustralianSuper’s admin and investment fees compare with other funds.

See how AustralianSuper’s admin and investment fees compare with other funds.

Low fees to help your super grow

Super funds charge fees to cover the cost of managing your super and investments. As Australia’s largest fund, we use our size and scale to help obtain low fees for members*. Lower fees mean more of your super stays invested to grow for your future.

Super funds charge fees to cover the cost of managing your super and investments. As Australia’s largest fund, we use our size and scale to help obtain low fees for members*. Lower fees mean more of your super stays invested to grow for your future.

Select a super balance

Annual admin and investment fees on a $10,000 balance

A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $10,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $119 a year compared to the average of super funds at $145 a year and the average of retail funds at $163 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail. A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $10,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $119 a year compared to the average of super funds at $145 a year and the average of retail funds at $163 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail.

Annual admin and investment fees on a $25,000 balance

A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $25,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $220 a year compared to the average of super funds at $263 a year and the average of retail funds at $299 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail. A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $25,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $220 a year compared to the average of super funds at $263 a year and the average of retail funds at $299 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail.

Annual admin and investment fees on a $50,000 balance

A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $50,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $387 a year compared to the average of super funds at $460 a year and the average of retail funds at $529 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail. A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $50,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $387 a year compared to the average of super funds at $460 a year and the average of retail funds at $529 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail.

Annual admin and investment fees on a $100,000 balance

A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $100,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $722 a year compared to the average of super funds at $854 a year and the average of retail funds at $988 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail. A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $100,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $722 a year compared to the average of super funds at $854 a year and the average of retail funds at $988 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail.

Annual admin and investment fees on a $250,000 balance

A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $250,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $1,727 a year compared to the average of super funds at $2,032 a year and the average of retail funds at $2,370 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail. A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $250,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $1,727 a year compared to the average of super funds at $2,032 a year and the average of retail funds at $2,370 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail.

Annual admin and investment fees on a $500,000 balance

A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $500,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $3,252 a year compared to the average of super funds at $3,942 a year and the average of retail funds at $4,643 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail. A graph comparing the annual admin and investment fees on a $500,000 super balance. The graph shows AustralianSuper as having low fees at $3,252 a year compared to the average of super funds at $3,942 a year and the average of retail funds at $4,643 a year based on the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Please refer to the important information below for more detail.
  • Important information

    *Source: Zenith CW Pty Ltd (Chant West) (ABN 20 639 121 403). Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey June 2024. Survey compares the weighted average of administration, investment and transaction fees and costs for MySuper products. Fees for average super funds includes Retail (Master Trust), Industry, Corporate and Public Sector type funds in the Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey. Total fees are rounded to the nearest $1. Fees may change in the future which may affect the outcome of this comparison.

Your fees and costs in a nutshell

The below section shows the fees and costs you may be charged. If you don’t have any insurance cover with us, or don’t receive any paid advice, you won’t pay those fees.

We can change the fees we charge at any time without your consent. You’ll be given at least 30 days’ notice before any increase in fees deducted directly from your account takes effect.

Other fees and costs may apply. You should read all the important information about fees and other costs because it is important to understand their impact on your investment. For full details of fees and costs including how they are calculated, and the fees and costs for each investment option:

What your fees might look like

Most people are invested in our Balanced investment option (default option). The Balanced investment option has a history of strong long-term performance7.

7 AustralianSuper Balanced investment option (for super and TTR Income) compared to the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index to
31 December 2024. AustralianSuper Balanced investment option (for Choice Income) compared to the SuperRatings Pension Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SRP50 Balanced (60–76) Index to 31 December 2024. Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.


Examples of annual fees and costs for our Balanced investment option

  • Choice Income account

    This table gives an example of how the ongoing annual fees and costs for the AustralianSuper Balanced investment option for our Choice Income account can affect your superannuation investment over a one-year period.

    You should use this table to compare our Choice Income account with other superannuation products.

    Example – AustralianSuper Balanced investment option Balance of $50,000
    Administration fees and costs



    $52 ($1 per week)
    For every $50,000 you have in the superannuation product, you will be charged $50 in administration fees and costs up to a maximum of $600,


    you will be charged $52 regardless of your account balance.
    PLUS Investment fees and costs 0.51% AND, you will have deducted from your investment $255 in investment fees and costs.
    PLUS Transaction costs 0.05% AND, you will have deducted from your investment $25 in transaction costs.
    EQUALS Cost of product9 If your balance was $50,000 at the beginning of the year, then for that year you will be charged fees and costs of $382 for the superannuation product.
    9 Additional fees may apply. Assumes your balance of $50,000 is maintained throughout the year.

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Find out how AustralianSuper performs against other funds, and why choosing a top performing fund could help you grow your super faster.

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