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Why choose AustralianSuper?

Strong long-term performance

Our flagship Balanced investment option has delivered an average annual return of 8.11% over the last 10 years to 31 December 20241.

Low admin fees

As Australia’s largest super fund2, we use our size and scale to help keep admin fees low3. Super accounts are currently charged $1 per week plus 0.10% pa of your account balance (up to $350 pa). 

Investing globally for members

We manage over $365 billion on behalf of over 3.5 million members4. Our size means we've been ranked among the top 20 largest pension funds globally5.

Award-winning superannuation6

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Why Magesh chose AustralianSuper

“It was really easy to make the switch”
Magesh, AustralianSuper member9

Read his story

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It’s easy to see the difference a top long-term performing fund1 could make. Become a member in under 15 minutes.

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