Welcome to AustralianSuper Select

Below you’ll find the forms and publications that can help you make the most of your AustralianSuper Select account.
Below you’ll find the forms and publications that can help you make the most of your AustralianSuper Select account.

AustralianSuper Select Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

In this document you’ll find out what you need to know about how we manage your super as well as a bit about who we are.

Download PDS

AustralianSuper Select employer booklet

This booklet provides specific information for your company plan and forms part of the Product Disclosure Statement for AustralianSuper Select.

To find the AustralianSuper Select booklet for your employer, please choose from the tabs below, then search the list alphabetically.

ABN Group employees - pdf, 6.3MB

Airbus employees - pdf, 6.3MB

APM employees - pdf, 6.3MB

Australian Securities and Investments Commission employees - pdf, 6.3MB

Atlassian employees - pdf, 6.3MB

Australia Post employees - pdf, 1.7MB

Beijer Ref Holdings Australia employees - pdf, 6.4MB

Bis employees - pdf, 5.8MB

B&R Enclosures employees - pdf, 5.9MB

Bradken employees - pdf, 5.9MB

Brickworks Limited employees - pdf, 6.4MB

CAR Group Limited employees - pdf, 6.3MB

Clough employees - pdf, 5.9MB

Computers Now employees - pdf, 5.9MB

Insurance in your super guide

Our Insurance in your super guide for AustralianSuper Select has all the things you need to know to help you make the best decisions about your insurance.

Download Guide

Investment guide

Our Investment guide gives you all the details about your investment options with AustralianSuper.

Download Guide

AustralianSuper Select Insurance forms and fact sheets

View all other AustralianSuper forms and publications.

Keep your cover (inactive account) - pdf, 73KB

Getting started with your new account in Select - pdf, 109KB

Change your insurance - pdf, 511KB

Application for Life Event insurance cover  - pdf, 222KB

Applying for an insurance transfer fact sheet - pdf, 153KB

Insurance transfer - pdf, 334KB

Change your individual work rating - pdf, 161KB

Increase your Income Protection cover after a salary increase - pdf, 189KB

Providing proof of your de facto relationship - pdf, 442KB

Work ratings fact sheet - pdf, 133KB

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