Paying super on overtime

Find out if you need to pay super on overtime and paid bonuses, such as end-of-year or performance bonuses.

Is super paid on overtime? It depends on whether it's part of the amount your employees earn during their normal work hours – which is called ordinary time earnings (OTE).

For overtime, the answer is usually ‘no’. This is because it mostly falls outside OTE.

For bonuses, the answer is usually ‘yes’. This is because it’s mostly part of OTE.

If yes, you must pay 11.5% of OTE into your employee’s fund as part of the super guarantee (SG)1.

Some businesses pay their employees more super as part of an employee benefit or enterprise agreement, so it’s worth checking what agreements you have in place.

When do you pay super on overtime?

Check out the table below for different types of overtime and bonuses.

When you look at the table, note that OTE is the amount you pay employees for their ordinary hours of work, including commissions and shift loadings. 

If there is a tick against ‘OTE’ for a specific payment below, you’ll need to pay 11.5% super against it. If there is a cross, you don’t have to pay super on that amount3.

Overtime, casual and piece work

Payment type Salary or wages Ordinary time earnings (OTE)
Overtime: where the ordinary hours of work are not stated in an award or agreement, or not separated from other hours
No ordinary hours of work stated
Piece-rates: no ordinary hours of work
Casual employee: shift loadings (i.e. employees are asked to work their ordinary hours outside of normal business hours)


Payment type Salary or wages Ordinary time earnings (OTE)
Danger allowance
Expense allowance expected to be fully used
On-call allowance for doctors
Retention allowance (i.e. a financial incentive to keep a key employee on the job)
Unconditional extra payments


Payment type Salary or wages Ordinary time earnings (OTE)
Bonus relating to overtime only
Ex gratia but relating to ordinary hours of work

What if I missed a super payment?

Not paying super on time may result in penalties and interest charges from the ATO, such as the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC). You use salary and wages to work out the SGC. Salary and wages are similar to OTE but also include any overtime payments2.

Find out more about what happens if you don’t pay super or visit the ATO.


No super to pay?

If you don't have any super to pay this quarter simply fill out this form. Get your employer reference number and ABN ready, and we’ll guide you through the rest. Note that you can fill out this form in the Business Portal too.

Need to pay your employees super?

Need to pay your employees super? If you don’t have a clearing house, you can get started with QuickSuper4.

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