Your Super Snapshot is complete

Your 2025 Super Snapshot summary has found

Every step you take with super counts

Sometimes super falls down the to-do list. But simple actions can help keep it front of mind. 90% of working Australians aged 50 plus, for example, said they checked their super had been paid correctly last year1.

Sometimes the first step is just getting started. Get the wheels in motion by regularly checking in on your super and start considering your retirement goals.

Why checking in on your super matters

Staying on top of super can make a big difference. Making the most of the help and advice options can help you make more informed decisions about your future, for example. While checking in on your account can give you confidence your super is paid correctly.

Super actions you can take today

Keep your details up to date

Make sure your contact details are current so that we can let you know of any changes to your account.

Download the AustralianSuper app

Check your account anywhere, anytime. Get notifications about payments, see your balance and more.

Explore Elements of Retirement

Our interactive Elements of Retirement guides build your super knowledge, so you can get retirement ready with confidence.

Get your Super Snapshot summary sent to your inbox

Know how your super stacked up. Plus you can check your situation and know which actions to take next to keep making the most of your super.

Join Australia’s largest super fund

With over 3.4 million members2, you can make the most of your super with Australia’s largest3, most trusted super fund4.

Join today
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