Confidence on the path to retirement

Every retirement path is unique. That’s why we put control in your hands, helping you make the most of your super.

You can never be too prepared

Did you know: having to retire early is more common than you might think, with 40% of retired Australians stopping work before they expected to1.

So, even if you’re already well into planning, extra preparation for life after work can help you feel more confident about any changes.


Michael’s story
Baker, storeman, not-for-profit. Full-time, part-time and then full-time again. When retirement planning got off track for AustralianSuper member Michael, he was able to rely on AustralianSuper’s financial adviser network - and a Transition to Retirement account. Hear how he navigated a zero balance super and re-entry to the workforce.

Tools and advice options2 to help you plan

There’s no such thing as being over prepared for retirement. 

We’re with you, every step of the way

From interactive planning and projection tools to low admin fees and strong long-term performance4, here’s how we can support you as you get closer to retirement.

Low admin fees

With admin fees 24% lower on average, more of your money could stay invested5.

Interactive tools and webinars

Get access to a wide range of tools, webinars and calculators, like our super contributions calculator, to see how you could save more for retirement.

Strong, long-term performance

The Balanced option has delivered an average annual return of 8.11% each year over the last 10 years and 9.28% since inception (August 1985) to 31 December 20246.

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