How does your super balance compare?

Knowing how much super you have is the first step – and by choosing a strong long-term performing fund1, you’re taking control of your super and can retire with confidence.
Knowing how much super you have is the first step – and by choosing a strong long-term performing fund1, you’re taking control of your super and can retire with confidence.

Make the most of your retirement savings

Turn your super into a regular income

Receiving regular payments, gives you control over how much you have to spend in retirement. Plus, you can also use that income from your Choice Income account based pension to top up any Government Age Pension payments you’re eligible for.

Control how often you’re paid

You can set up how much and how often income gets paid into your bank account2. And access extra money to pay for bills, holidays, or other big-ticket items at any time. If you’re 60 or over, regular income payments and withdrawals are tax free.

Keep growing your super

Because your super balance stays invested after you’ve retired, a Choice Income account could make your money go even further. You can decide exactly how you want your savings invested, or let our experts manage it for you.

How does your super balance compare?

This table shows the Average Super Balance of Australians. See how your super balance compares to the average for your age and gender, and how AustralianSuper – a strong long-term performing fund1 can help you grow your savings for retirement.

Age Average super balance - men Average super balance - women
45-49 $233,300 $153,200
50-54 $281,200 $188,400
55-59 $341,400 $231,200
60-64 $401,600 $300,300

Source: Deloitte Average Balances to 30 June 2024, rounded to the nearest $100. People with zero superannuation are not included in average data.

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See how AustralianSuper's account based pension performs

Even in retirement, our history of strong performance1 has given AustralianSuper members an advantage over the long term. The following table compares AustralianSuper’s Choice Income net benefit against the average super fund and the average retail super fund. It shows how a member’s balance would have grown over 10 years to 30 June 2024, whilst still drawing a regular retirement income.

Net benefit
  Starting balance Average yearly income payment over 10 years Investment earnings over 10 years (less fees and costs) Balance after 10 years
AustralianSuper Choice Income account Balanced option $300,000 $20,900 $295,400 $386,500
All super funds (average) - Balanced $300,000 $19,300 $235,400 $342,000
Retail super funds (average) - Balanced $300,000 $18,600 $201,900 $316,200

Net benefit refers to investment earnings to 30 June 2024 (less administration, investment fees and costs, transaction costs and taxes). Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns3.

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That’s all it takes to become one of over 3.4 million members4.

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Australia’s most trusted super fund, 12 years running5. Winner of the Canstar Outstanding Value Award for account based pension6.

Australia’s most trusted super fund
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