Partial withdrawal remediation

Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding your payment

  • My impacted accumulation account is closed. How was my payment calculated?

    Your payment was calculated by first determining what the amounts allocated to each investment option applicable to your account should have been, at the date of withdrawal from your account, had the process in the form been followed correctly (Principal)1. We then completed the following calculations to determine the remediation amount (described as the payment):

    • We calculated what the investment returns on the Principal would have been from the date of your withdrawal(s) to the date the account(s) was closed had the process described in the form been followed (investment returns).
    • We then applied the higher of the following amounts for the period from the date the account(s) was closed until the calculation output date2 (foregone returns):
      • the returns on the highest performing investment option held on the account(s) when the account(s) was closed, or
      • the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cash rate plus 6%.
    • Finally, we applied the RBA cash rate plus 6% to the foregone returns for two weeks from the calculation output date to account for the time required for us to process the payment into a temporary account and hold the payment on your behalf until we receive your payment instructions.3

    1 As a benchmark for our calculations, we compared the 30 June 2024 balance that was on our administration system against the results of a calculator that we built to work out the exact impact of this error. If there was a discrepancy of $100 or less, the value of that discrepancy was added to the Principal Discrepancies of over $100 were individually investigated further to determine a more accurate figure.

    2 Calculation output date: This is the effective date of the most recent crediting rates available at the time the calculation was completed.

    3 For former members with no active accumulation account, the payment amount showing in your letter will be allocated to a temporary account before it is either paid out in accordance with your instructions, or where relevant, paid into the same bank account as your regular Choice Income account payments, paid to your TTR income account or transferred to the ATO. No administration fees will be charged on these temporary accounts and your payment amount will be invested in the Fund’s Cash investment option during this time. This means that any returns generated during this period will be based on the Cash investment option’s returns.

Concessional contributions and investment

Receiving my payment

Deceased estates

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