Accessing your super early

Understand when you’re eligible to access your super early and use your super savings.

When you can access your super savings early

Super is a long-term investment to help grow your savings for your retirement years. However, in certain instances you may be eligible to access your super savings. For an overview, you can download and read our Accessing your super fact sheet.

Compassionate grounds

Apply to access your super on ‘compassionate grounds’ to pay for medical costs, funeral expenses for a dependant, or mortgage repayments in default. For more details, please read our FAQs. To apply, you first need to call the ATO to check you’re eligible to request the early release of your super benefit on compassionate grounds. Once approved, please complete and submit the Apply for a payment (Compassionate grounds) form.

Permanently leaving Australia

Temporary residents who earned super while working and living in Australia can apply to have super paid out as a Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) after you leave. For details, please read the Claiming super when you leave Australia fact sheet. If eligible, apply online or download a form at the ATO website. If transferring to a KiwiSaver, please see the Transfer your account to your KiwiSaver form.

Terminal illness or permanent incapacity

If you're diagnosed with a terminal illness or are permanently incapacitated, you may be able to claim some or all your super. For detailed guidance and support through this situation, please call us between 8am-8pm AEST/AEDT weekdays.

First Home Super Saver Scheme

The First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) allows you to access some of your super to help fund the purchase of your first home. You must be aged 18 years or older, have never owned a property before in Australia and not be in the process of using FHSSS to purchase other property. For detailed information, visit our First Home Super Saver Scheme webpage or to apply please visit

Left your employer and have less than $200 in your account

If your employment is terminated and the balance of your super account is less than $200, you can apply to withdraw and close your account by completing and submitting the Close your account and make a full withdrawal (balance less than $200) form.

Financial hardship

If you’re experiencing financial hardship, you may be able to access some of your super to meet reasonable and immediate living expenses. For more details, please read our FAQs. The fastest way for you to apply is by logging into your account online and going to Transactions. Alternatively, complete and submit the Apply for a payment (financial hardship) form.

Unrestricted non-preserved super

You could be able to access your super early if you have unrestricted non-preserved super (which is usually after-tax contributions made before 1 July 1999). Check whether you have unrestricted non-preserved super by logging into your account online.

Member Direct investors

If you have an investment in the Member Direct option and there are insufficient funds in your Accumulation and Member Direct cash account, you may need to consider selling some of your investments before submitting a withdrawal request. Term Deposits that haven't matured may incur penalties. For more information, please see the Member Direct guide.

Early access and insurance cover

If you need to access your super early due to illness or injury, also consider whether you can make a claim on any insurance1 cover you may have. Check your insurance status by logging into your account online or via the mobile app. Alternatively, call us on 1300 300 273 8am to 8pm AEST/AEDT weekdays.

If your payment reduces your account balance it may affect your insurance cover. To maintain insurance cover, you’ll need to have enough money in your super account to pay for it. In some circumstances insurance cover can cease, such as if no contributions are received in your super account for 16 months – you can apply to keep your cover, providing you have at least $1,000 in your super account.

To learn more about the other factors that could impact your insurance cover read our Insurance in your super guide.

Getting the right financial advice

Withdrawing from your super account may have an impact on keeping any insurance cover, the amount of tax you pay, your super balance at retirement, claiming a tax deduction for personal super contributions and any government benefits you may receive. Getting the right financial advice can give you peace of mind you're making the best decisions for your current circumstance and future2.

  1. AustralianSuper insurance is provided by TAL Life Limited (the Insurer) ABN 70 050 109 450, AFSL 237848.
  2. Personal financial product advice is provided under the Australian Financial Services Licence held by a third party and not by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd. Some personal advice may attract a fee, which would be outlined before any work is completed and is subject to your agreement. With your approval, the fee for advice relating to your AustralianSuper account may be deducted from your AustralianSuper account subject to eligibility criteria.
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