How we invest members’ super

We invest with one goal in mind: to help members achieve their best financial position in retirement.
We invest with one goal in mind: to help members achieve their best financial position in retirement.

Our long-term vision

So members can enjoy a better future we focus on maximising investment returns over the long term. We invest in a diversified mix of assets to grow members’ savings over time and balance this with an understanding of the risks we need to take to achieve this goal.

Four core investment beliefs are the foundation of our investment approach. These are supported by a rigorous governance framework and disciplined investment process.

Our four investment beliefs

  1. We aim to enhance member returns.
  2. We believe in active management – both asset allocation and stock selection.
  3. We use our scale to reduce costs and better structure investments.
  4. We’re aware of our responsibility to the broader community, consistent with our obligations to maximise benefits to members.

Investing for you

Super is the largest asset most people will ever own, after the family home. It’s your money, and we invest to help make sure you’re going to get the most out of it.

Using our size to benefit members

As Australia’s largest super fund1, we take advantage of opportunities that may not be available to smaller funds. These include large unlisted assets like Kings Cross, Ausgrid and WestConnex.


Strong cashflows enable us to allocate funds to different asset classes without selling valuable long-term investments. This also helps keep transaction costs low, which benefits members’ returns.

In-house investment expertise

Our in-house investment team invests members’ assets to meet the objectives of each investment option. The investment team selects external managers and directly manages assets in the portfolio. Our internal investment capability enables us to invest at a lower cost and gain access to high quality investment opportunities. Strong long term returns2 and lower costs have resulted in a better ‘net benefit’ for members.


We’re active managers

We believe an active management approach delivers the best long-term returns. That’s why we select specific sectors, assets and stocks that have the potential to outperform the broader market. We also use index managers in some options to lower overall portfolio costs or where active management opportunities are smaller.

Investing globally for members

With teams in Australia, Beijing, London and New York, we are able to access insights and opportunities in targeted global investment markets. Our on the ground presence also allows us to efficiently monitor our global investment portfolio and make timely investment decisions.

Investment process

Our investment process is designed to protect and enhance the interests of our members, so they can achieve the best possible retirement outcome.

  1. APRA Quarterly superannuation fund-level statistics March 2024. Released 20 June 2024.

  2. AustralianSuper Balanced investment option compared to the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey, SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index to 31 December 2024. Returns from equivalent investment options of the ARF and STA super funds are used for periods before 1 July 2006. Investment returns aren’t guaranteed. Past performance isn’t a reliable indicator of future returns.
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